Can you call your representative and senators and tell them to support HR 6264? This is the bill i was telling you about that will reregulate the commodities industry so they can't speculate on anything but actual supply and demand. The bill that the experts said would drop the price of a barrel of oil by %25 to 50% over night. You'll probably have to wait till after the holiday. i'm getting no answers or machines. 1-800-828-0498 - Sun Herald News #15357.1HR 6264 IH
2d Session
H. R. 6264
To prevent excessive speculation in over-the-counter derivatives markets for certain energy commodities by limiting participation in those markets to persons who are capable of producing, manufacturing, or taking physical delivery of the commodities.
June 12, 2008
Mr. LARSON of Connecticut (for himself, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. KAGEN, Mr. WU, Mr. HILL, Mr. HINCHEY, and Mr. WELCH of Vermont) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture
(a) In General- Section 4 of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 6) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(e)(1)(A) It shall be unlawful for a person to enter into or execute a transaction which involves a specified energy commodity, and which is otherwise excluded under section 2(g) or exempted under section 2(h), unless the person--
`(i) meets the requirement of paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection; or
`(ii)(I) is purchasing the contract or agreement as an agent of a person who meets the requirement; and
`(II) discloses the identity of the person referred to in subclause (I) of this clause to the seller of the contract.
`(B) It shall be unlawful for a person, after the 60-day period that begins with the effective date of this subsection, to hold a contract or agreement of sale of a specified energy commodity for future delivery which is otherwise excluded under section 2(g) or exempted under section 2(h), unless the person--
`(i) meets the requirement of paragraph (2)(A) or (2)(B) of this subsection; or
`(ii) is holding the contract or agreement as an agent of a person who meets the requirement.
`(2)(A) A person meets the requirement of this subparagraph with respect to a commodity if--
`(i) the person has filed with the Commission an affidavit attesting that the person has the capacity to accept physical delivery of the commodity; and
`(ii) the Commission has certified that the person has the capacity.
`(B) A person meets the requirement of this subparagraph with respect to a commodity if--
`(i) the person has filed with the Commission an affidavit attesting that the person has the capacity to produce or manufacture the commodity; and
`(ii) the Commission has certified that the person has the capacity.
`(3) In this subsection, the term `specified energy commodity' means crude oil, heating oil, gasoline, or diesel fuel.'.
(b) Conforming Amendments-
(1) Section 2(g) of such Act (7 U.S.C. 2(g)) is amended by inserting `4(e),' before `5a'.
(2) Section 2(h)(2)(A) of such Act (7 U.S.C. 2(h)(2)(A)) is amended by striking `5b' and inserting `4(e), 5b'.
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