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Sunday, July 6, 2008

SunHerald.com - Sun Herald News #15434.1

The Future is Now!

People are worried about the future and what it will bring. Worrying is useless, and will no more solve a problem than will hiding from it. So, stop worrying and start doing!

Some say to live like there is no tomorrow. I say, live like there is a tomorrow, and that you are accountable for every one of YOUR actions. This is what a responsible steward does, and is something that each of us needs to learn. We are stewards over this land and the creatures that inhabit it. We are also stewards over our own lives, and have a responsibility to direct our actions on a course that promotes life and harmony. From the moment we reach the age of being able to understand that what we do and say is important and affects everyone around us, we become responsible for our actions and words. But have we accepted that responsibility? No!

The human race has treated the earth and everything around it as disposable, as if we are not responsible for our actions. We pillage and rape everything around us then lay the blame on anyone but ourselves. We do not have that right! We do not own the earth, we are merely stewards. The only thing we own are the words that come out of our mouths, and we treat them like we do everything else. We do not take responsibility for our words. We bury the truth with lies if the truth is inconvenient, then build upon those lies as if they are the truth. This is a foundation of shifting sand, and it cannot stand. Firm foundations are built on truth, and it is our responsibility to build the foundation of our lives on the truth, no matter how painful or inconvenient that truth is.

Our government leaders no longer stand for the people they are supposed to serve. Instead of standing on a foundation of truth, they pander lies for personal gain to a populace worn down by incessant brainwashing in the form of corporate-owned television, radio, newspaper, magazines, and government schools designed to disseminate government-approved propaganda and make sure that Johnny cannot read the many legislative sleights of hand passed by Congress and shoved down the throats of people too busy to do anything about it. These leaders know exactly what they are doing. It is we the people that need to wake up and smell the coffee.

People are starting to take a good look around to see that they are surrounded by a sea of lies brought to them one commercial at a time by one major corporation at a time, and they are getting angry.

We the people are as David threatened by giant corporate Goliaths who prey on the weak and vulnerable for profit. Professional liars who invade our homes through technology bombard us with lies intended to manipulate us into doing what they want us to do.

What’s Next?

Revolution is inevitable. It is also very personal. As soon as you make a decision to do what is right instead of what is convenient, you become revolutionary. As soon as you stand up and proclaim the truth, you become revolutionary. For some there is no other choice. For others, well, comfort is paramount. Comfortable people are complacent. Comfortable people will do almost anything to maintain their level of comfort. Take away the comfort, and you plant the seeds of revolution. The question is, just how much comfort needs to be taken away for the seeds of revolution to take root and flourish. The economy is spiraling downhill, and very soon, creature comforts will be a thing of the past unless one is wealthy enough to be classified among the elite. Will people be content to live as serfs and take what they can get from their “betters,” or will they rise up and take charge of their lives?

Once aware of the lies, do we just cave in and go along with the program because we are surrounded and seemingly overcome? Some will, but others will not. In fact, some will get mad as hell. Some will get so mad that they reject the world system altogether and form groups dedicated to survival in a world without modern conveniences. This is already beginning to happen. People who can no longer afford fuel to get back and forth to work or feed their families are turning to bicycles and gardening. It is only a matter of time before a two-tiered class system is in full swing with the rich living like there is no tomorrow and the poor just trying to stay warm and fill their bellies. To survive this type of system requires learning how to do things all over again, without modern conveniences. We need to learn how to become self-sufficient. We need to learn survival in order to live one more day fighting the giants. And fight we will, if we care about the truth.

There will be those who go along with the program, and think they are safe. They are not. They will suffer the most, being caught in the middle and in the long run, good for neither side; a traitor to their friends and puppets of the elite. These people will be the greatest threat. They will turn their “friends” over to the authorities for minor infractions of police state laws without blinking an eye while living in denial, thinking they are “one of the elite” because they have done so. They have no loyalty, no strength of character, morality or ethics. They will sell their very souls to the highest bidder for a crust of bread.

But there will also be those who stand up and say, enough! The buck stops here. These people will make a difference. These people will stand up to the corporate Goliaths, if not for any noble cause other than to do what is right and to stand accountable. They will stand up and be counted for the things we don’t like to think about these days such as morality, ethics, and honesty. These people will proclaim the truth from one end of the earth to the other. And they will not be in the majority. The truth is never popular.

Who Will Win?

Once you make the decision to become responsible for your actions and do what is right, you have already won. Like I said before, revolution is very personal. We choose life or death, it is up to us. Lies bring death, and truth brings life. The body might cease to exist, but the spirit will live on if we choose the truth and stand on its foundation. Lies are manifestations of a false reality, and therefore, do not exist in the real world. They turn to dust when the truth is revealed. The truth lasts forever and once we choose the truth and act on it, we have set in motion the revolution.

By seeking to destroy what is natural and what is good, the elite will end up destroying themselves in the end. They will not be able to hide behind their riches in the aftermath of the genetically modified scourge they have unleashed on the world and its poorer population. They will not be able to hide in their mansions and be safe from the consequences of their actions. Their lies will crumble and the truth will be too hard for them to bear. They will not survive it. Those who seek the truth will prevail, and they will be a remnant of what was once thought to be a great, unconquerable society. Survival will not be convenient, and will probably be quite painful, but rest assured, the path of survival is to embrace the truth, which is the only surety in this world. Stand on it and you are standing on firm ground.

So who wins and who loses? Think about this: If you strike a match in the darkness, the light overcomes and illuminates the darkness. The darkness can only prevail if there is no light. May he who has ears to hear, strike a match and illuminate the darkness. The revolution is at hand.

© 2008, Barbara H. Peterson

SunHerald.com - Sun Herald News #15434.1

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