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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In Debt we trust

Bush inherited the healthiest economy this country has ever seen and turned it into a sinking mud hole where only the top 1% get richer and everyone else gets poorer.  The republicans like to say that this country was in recession when Bush took over.  Not true.  I was there and the economy never looked brighter.  It didn't take long though, before we were on a "cut-taxes-and-spend" economy that has taken us into the deepest debt the world has ever seen.  Now republicans are the "borrow-and-spend" party.  They live on loans that you and i are paying the interest alone on because the loan is so big now that all of our GDP couldn't get to the principal of it.  We'll be paying down the interest forever without reducing our debt by one cent.  This is a republican policy.  We used to be the worlds biggest creditor, now we are the worlds largest debtor.  This Republican government has ruined this country for all but the super rich.  And if you are not among that small group and you believe they are doing you any favors, you are diluted and really need to look into our economy, deeply.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your truth on the bush administration, we need more people to stand up and speak out and say we are NOT going to take it anymore!
